Last minute planning and a sweet interview

by - Thursday, September 03, 2009

Tomorrow my family and I head down to Virginia Beach for the Rock N Roll Half Marathon. I'm woefully under prepared, but I'm going to make the best of the race. I mean if nothing else, I get an awesome long weekend at the beach with my family, enjoying what looks to be great weather and getting a nice run in.

Today of course I'm a bundle of stress making insane lists of things I need to remember to pack. Regular people clothes, race necessities, beach stuff. It's a lot to remember.

The BF got stuck with some crazy work project and won't be able to come down Friday morning with us, so he'll be making the trip Friday night. My family and I have tentative plans to hit the Expo on Friday to get the good stuff before it's gone and then maybe heading over again Saturday morning so the BF can get his stuff.

Then we'll spend the rest of Saturday relaxing on the beach! (And not getting sunburn, because ummm running a race with sunburn would suck)

Since I'm sure I won't be posting much (or at all?) this weekend, here's a quick rundown of my goals.

1. Have fun.
2. Realize I'm under trained and accept it. I won't be breaking any records this weekend.
3. As long as I finish faster than my time two years ago when I ran the race with strep throat I'll be satisfied.
4. Enjoy the experience of running another race with my mom and introducing BF to this crazy world of races.

On a parting note, check out this sweet interview I did a few months back for Experience Life Magazine's September issue. It's all about training for races with a buddy. I'm in the section at the very bottom under the heading "Set a Goal." My mom says please disregard her age lol!

Is anyone else running the Virginia Beach Half this weekend? I know Lindsay from Chasing the Kenyans is and we're working on figuring out a time to meet up. If you're going to be there let us know!

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  1. Have a great run -- don't stress about it, just enjoy! Fingers crossed for nice weather. :)

  2. Have a great time. It will be perfect no matter how it turns out.

  3. Good luck, sister! Have fun!

    And I'm commenting before reading the interview because I don't want to comment after reading it and learning (probably) that your Mom is like 5 years younger than I am.

  4. SCORE!

    Your mom's actually older than I am!

    Not that I noticed her age or anything ...

  5. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Have lots of fun this weekend. The weather is suppose to be nice.

  6. Sounds like some good, reasonable goals. Have a fun weekend at the beach!!

  7. Have fun at Virginia Beach! You'll do awesome!

  8. Best of luck to you and remember...sprint thru the can check your watch later!

  9. I didn't know your mom was running too! How cool :) just watch out for the pre-race sunburn and make sure you drink water out there! Hope we can figure out a meet up time - I fb'd you btw.

  10. Have a great time! Safe travels!!!

  11. Have a great time this weekend!

  12. I love reading about running/active parents. How cool. Good luck this weekend!

  13. still waiting for an'd it go!!!
