Torn Between Summer and Fall

by - Thursday, September 03, 2015

We're at that point in the summer where I'm so not ready for summer to go, but I'm also super over the humidity and can't wait for some of the more bearable fall temperatures to get here.

I alternate between trying to squeeze in every possible free minute at the pool (spoiler alert, pool time hasn't happened once this week) while cursing the humidity on my morning runs and wondering when I can give up the shorts and tanks for capris and tees.


This week has been especially brutal on the humidity front. We had gotten a nice break from it last week, and my runs were all fairly pleasant. This week it's like Mother Nature flipped a switch and every day the humidity has been 90+% every morning.

Makes for some pretty miserable runs.

I've still been doing my mid-week runs without my Garmin so I don't know how much the humidity is slowing me down, but man I feel like I couldn't possibly move any slower.

On the positive side though, even though my speed is at a snail's pace, the distances are feeling less challenging. Yesterday for example, I went out to do my run and I knew I needed to add a bit of distance to my regular loop, so I tacked on one of my optional loops through another neighborhood.

Without Garmin, I wasn't sure exactly how much distance I added, but I was hoping to have the run come in right around four miles. Turns out the extra loop added more than I thought and when I plugged the route in to MapMyRun, it turned out to be closer to 5 miles.

It's a good day when you accidentally add an extra mile to your run and can't even tell.

So where do you stand on the summer/fall thing? Clinging to the last bits of summer or ready to embrace fall?

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  1. I am so ready for fall. Maybe I would have been struggling with the transition too if we weren't going through another 2 week heat wave. I want 60s and cozy weather to run in. I'm ok with cooler even (just not snow).
